
In today’s world, the usage of PC and Laptops is on the rise. Work from home, the gaming industry, online education, and the prosperity of digital media have all made it necessary for people to own a computer or a laptop.

A decent PC has a reasonable price, and it is just an asset one can use to generate money, gain knowledge, and develop skills. Taking adequate care of your possessions, on the other hand, is a must.

Many anti-virus software and programs have been developed to secure your software. Hardware, on the other hand, has received little attention.

Keyboard with dust

Dust is one of the major factors affecting your hardware components. Dust particles result in weakening your hardware components affecting its longevity.

What problems can dust cause in a computer?

  • Dust blocks the fan of your computer. Blockage of the cooling system result to overheating of the computer. This overheating can also cause electrical damage in your computer.
  • Dust weakens the hardware components.
  • Computer can itself turn off and restart.
  • It also affect the internal components where dust particles are difficult to remove.
  • It is possible for vital pieces to fail suddenly.

4 Ways to Clean Your Dusty PC

Using a soft clothes and compressed air

Compressed air and soft clothes help you to clean dust particles from different parts of the computer, unlike vacuum cleaners whose greater force produces static electricity putting your computer at risk. Compressed air, on the other hand, doesn’t produce any static electricity.

Soft clothes are vital to clean the delicate part of your PCs and even monitors, which are quite delicate.

Compressed air
Compressed air to clean PC(Source:Amazon)

Click here to buy compressed air.

Making use of toothbrush, paintbrush and cotton sponges

Toothbrushes, paintbrushes, and cotton sponges are the materials inexpensive goods that are found in every home. This item aids in cleaning dust in the parts where soft clothes cannot reach.

Moreover, due to its accessibility and portability. These items can be found almost everywhere and can be taken anywhere to clean dust from your PCs and laptops.

Using liquid sprays, white vinegar and ammonium chloride

Different liquid sprays and white vinegar are highly used as a cleaning agent. This agent, along with ammonium chloride, helps remove fingerprints and marks on your device that normal soft clothes or brushes couldn’t remove.

Note: Properly go through the ingredients labels of any chemical sprays so that they won’t affect your device.

Homemade DIY cleaning hacks

Suppose there is the unavailability of materials like compressed air, microfiber cloths. One could always use a hairdryer, paper towel as a DIY. A hairdryer, which has less force than a vacuum cleaner, can replace compressed air.

One could use paper towels or even tissue paper in the replacement of soft clothes.

How often should you clean your PCs?

One should clean their PC at least once in every 3 months. However, it also depends on in which part of your room your computer/laptops are kept. So, how clean is the room, as well as other aspects such as where it is stored and how it is managed, are the vital factors that ? one should consider

If your room is close to the window or dust enters frequently, it will be better if you clean your room more frequently.

How to clean your PC?. Click Here

Key takeaways

There is a frequent tendency of focusing on software efficiency and always neglecting the hardware components. As a result, we often neglect the dust particles that affect hardware longevity.

One should always consider cleaning their PC from such dust particles to avoid hardware components from weakening as well as making it durable.

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